Monday, January 05, 2009

5...4...3...2...1...Hapi nEw Year!

Another year is at hand...

New new year's resoutions to live by???...hopefully

New struggles???..They're inevitable actually...

New successes and achievements???..A whole lot more is in store...That's for sure...

New experiences???This only means we'll be learning many things in this life...

Whatever things will come our way this year, Godwillingly I know, we will endure and survive these lamas sa kinabuhi (spices of life)...knowing the Global Financial Crisis at hand, but I am sure together, we will hurdle our way to lead a better and more wonderful life.

It's still too early to tell that we are better today than what we are yesterday but we always have the power to make ourselves twice or even tenfold times way better than the previous year.

Hope this year of the earth ox will bring us not only good things in our life but a more meaningful life for all of us...

HAPPY NEW YEAR beloved...

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