Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Po?hmmm passing by..

i've been busy these past few days...from commitments to studies to organizations to a heck of other stuffs..wheww...

but to keep me at pace of the whirlwind demands present around me, i always find time to relax if you could really call it as "relaxing" habit to cool down my nerves...

hmmmm...well, sort of revealing my favorite pastime 'ere. i just finished reading some books...pocketbooks actually whom are given to me by friend, drew...lolz after a day of different activities lying on my bed waiting for my sleeping time, i always got hooked on reading...too bad after hours of reading, my eyes started to ache and become teary..:( but still my mind dosen't seem to cooperate,..so i end up picking another set of reading materials - magz, romance books, read my unread text messages, etc., to wait for my sleeping time (the time i could really go to sleep). Finally, when clock strikes 4:45 am, at last i can close my eyes by then...

amazing but, is that really a "sleep" or somethin' that i still would wake up at around 9 am to attend school...thank God, major subjects aren't that demanding this finals period. 

tomorrow, im gonna be reading NEW MOON by Stephenie Meyer, the sequel to Twilight...hmmmm thanks to a friend who lent me the book...she saves the night! :-)☻ awtzz gonna tell you later bout the book, huh..

hope i could reaLLY post here soonest..i missed blogging..

oh, it's finals na pala...good luck to my graduating buddies..break a leg on your thesis presentation! you can do it i know, huh, kring.jonas.che.marn.!hmmmp

and to my uzzap buddies, i'll be back chatting with you so so soon...i will recover from this..hehehe..only reading pacifies me to sleep at the moment..chuckles ^_^

you take care, the rugprince is still kickin' some ass!


P.S Slumdog millionaire is very nice and Australia is good!

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